Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Labor Day

Sorry for the extended absence, but there have been some technical difficulties at The Gus Stop. The family computer that housed the Gus media machine committed seppuku. Fortunately, we were able to rescue all of the old pictures and clips of the G-Man, but we were unable to add new ones. A new computer (like the one in Superman III!) is being built by the diabolical minds of Susu and Sam, and we should be up and running again soon.

In the meantime, the papparazzi shots in this post are provided by Gus' Grandma Ueland. My family was in town this weekend for Labor Day and to catch up with the Gus Man. A very nice time was had by all. Gus was very entertained by his Grandparents, especially his Grandpa.

Perhaps in an effort to keep his favorite Aunt in town, just as we were getting ready to take Kelli to the airport, Gus unleashed a torrent of poo that spilled out all over the living room, onto Kelli, and on the floor in the kitchen. Fortunately, the cleanup was manageable (easy for me to say since Emily actually did it), and Kelli was able to get the airport in time.

Here are some pictures of the weekend:

Gus and Grandma U
Gus happy to be with Grandpa U
Grandpa U happy to be with Gus
Gus and his favorite Aunt

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