Thursday, November 8, 2007

The latest and greatest . . .

Things have been pretty busy on the homefront these days. Dan was in town this past weekend, and Steve was able to get a break from his nights and weekend schedule at Lucia's, allowing the three of us to hit the town. A good time was had by all, but at the end of the weekend I felt like I needed a few days off to catch up. Instead, I got to fly to New York, and then drive out to Long Island for work. Blech.

I got back into town yesterday, and must admit that it was heart-meltingly gratifying to see Guster break out a big smile for his Dad. This was a lot nicer than the reception that Emily and I received when we got back from Chicago in August.

The Gus Man is doing a lot of new stuff these days. For starters, he is sitting up all by himself. We had been sitting Gus up before and leaning him against us or pillows, but even then if you didn't steady him, he would topple over to the side. It was funny to watch since Gus had not really figured out that he should get his arms out and brace himself. He kind of looked like Chris Farley in those SNL sketches where he would fall and crash through a table. Maybe physical comedy is a calling . . .

Anyway, about a week ago, Gus decided that it was time for him to sit up by himself. So he just did it. No shaking. No leaning. No toppling over. Well, ok then. Nice job, G-Man.

Gus has also mastered rolling from his back to his stomach. He had not been able to get the hang of it before, but now that he's figured it out, he wants to do it all the time. Especially when he is on the changing table. A poopy diaper, poopy baby, and a zest for rolling are a recipe for disaster waiting to happen.

Mainly Gus is just tons of fun. He is very ticklish (especially under his arms). He also is enjoying playing with his toys -- he received a small wooden rattle from his Grandparents that he just loves to shake. Gus is also amused at the lengths that his parents will go to ensure that he is entertained. Silly songs, nonsense noises, and crazy dancing. Emily and I will do just about anything for the approval of the only judge that matters on Guster Idol.

Pictures below:

No shirt, no shoes, no problem!
Golf pants.
Getting ready for a nap with Dad.


Grandma U said...

As usual, this was once again a fun read and the pictures of Gus capture his fun loving spirit! Mom & Dad are doing a great job of entertaining the little guy. What a smile!

Thanks for the update!

kelli said...
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kelli said...

Yay, Gus! I can't wait to see all your new tricks at Thanksgiving. I guess I better have some acts together for Guster Idol!

Sarah Kissko Hersh said...

First of all, I love this blog. LOVE it. I find myself disappointed when I realize there isn't a new entry for the day. I love the photos, I love the videos, I love the stories--the entries are so well crafted and never fail to crack me up. I love how happy you guys seem and I love having this great window into what's new with you and what the lives of new parents are like. HOWEVER, I can't believe you were in NYC and didn't even call to let me know you were minutes away from me! BUSTED.

Kevin said...

Sarah, thanks for the nice comments about the blog. About my being out in NY and not calling -- no excuses. You're right, you're right -- you're so right. The good news is that I should be headed back that direction again, and next time, I promise that I will call.

Sarah Kissko Hersh said...


646-283-8508...Billie, Billie don't you lose my number