Saturday, March 8, 2008

And in this corner, from Minneapolis, Minnesota . . .

It's The Preacher!

When I was a kid, I was a big fan of professional wrestling. I remember going to matches with my friends and our dads and cheering wildly for Hulk Hogan, The Road Warriors, and The Junkyard Dog, and jeering with just as much gusto, the "heels" -- Ric Flair, Paul Orndorff, and Bobby "the Brain" Heenan. I loved the characters with their signature finishing moves -- The Undertaker with his "Tombstone" piledriver, The Honky Tonk May with his "Shake Rattle and Roll" neckbreaker, and of course, Razor Ramon's, "The Razor's Edge."

It seems that the love for the squared circle has been passed down, and Guster may be destined to join the spandexed ranks of the luminaries listed above. If he does, Em and I have decided that his ring name will be The Preacher. Gus has taken to raising one hand above his head and yelling at us -- it looks like he's giving us a sermon. Gus also likes to wrestle with us. (Gus likes to go for the eyes and the nose). The other day, he and I were wrestling, and Gus pushed himself up into a standing position using my prone body for balance, put both hands in the air and started "preaching" before belly flopping onto my chest. This was it -- his signature finishing move . . . "The Bible Thump." 1, 2, 3!
Pictures of the future champ below:

Gus with Grandpa.

A cracker and a faux-hawk.

Doin' some preaching.

Gus exploring the Children's Museum.

Smile for the camera.

At the Children's Museum.

Where's Guster?

He Scores!

One of the Team of 18,000.

So Tired.


kelli said...

Thanks for the newest post. Gus looks like a little angel when he's sleeping.

kelli said...
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Susu said...

Wow, I can't believe how much older Gus looks just since the last time I saw him (less than 1 month ago?)!! Time flies waaaay too fast. Just think - he'll be a year old in less than 2 months!

Love the Preacher move!