Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Endings and Beginnings

So when 2009 started, our family looked like this:

Then we added this guy:

And most of the time he's a little angel:

But sometimes, he's not:

And you can see that we (Emily) blogged one measly time in all of 2010. Nobody told us that adding a kid would feel like adding five. But anyway, I think now that 2011 is here, Emily and I have caught our breath enough that we can go back to trying to update all you faithful readers (and if there are any left, you are seriously Julianna Margulies in The Good Wife faithful) on our misadventures as we try to keep up with this duo:

We're thinking of moving to a new blog site so that the little chicken doesn't feel left out at his lack of billing. We'll post again to let you know where you can catch up with us.

1 comment:

Sarah Kissko Hersh said...

All I have to say to that is: YAY!! I eagerly await any updates that you are able to send through (as well as whatever clever new handle you come up with). Actually that is not all I have to say. I love that picture of Gus in his duck Halloween costume and I hope that is framed in your house somewhere, it is PRECIOUS. Love you guys and looking forward to hearing more.