Tuesday, April 8, 2008

New Ride and New Pajamas

Even in Minnesota Spring has to come sometime. Although this year, there have certainly been moments where I thought, like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day, that Winter just wasn't going to end. Like when we got 8" of snow on March 31st. Or when I woke up on April 7th to big fat snowflakes outside our window. But now most of the snow is melted and the weather is taking a turn toward higher temperatures. I think we even had some rain the other day.

With Spring upon us, Gus has decided that it's time to stop kicking the tires, and to take his new jogging stroller for a spin. I think that Guster likes it. This past Saturday Gus and I went running with Steve around Lake Harriet, and Gus kept up a constant stream of chatter the whole way. I am pretty sure that he was telling me to go faster.

In addition to the new ride, Gus got some new pajamas for Easter. Since he's nearing 1, we thought it was time for him to get some two-piece PJs going. As you can see from the pictures below, The G-Man loves his new superhero pjs.

Go Wild!

Tire pressure seems good.

This seems to check out ok.

Bundled up and ready to go!

Lovin' the new look.

Hammin' it up. Comin' after the Mamarazzi.
Ready for my close up.