Friday, July 20, 2007

Be careful for what you wish for . . .

The saying "be careful for what you wish for, lest it come true" has always bothered me. The sentiment is that the person doing the wishing is being impulsive and has not thought through the consequences of their wish. Somehow I always thought that I would be able to hande the fall out of winning the $100 million jackpot, or being the star center fielder for the Yankees. "My wallet's too small for my fifties and my diamond shoes are too tight!"
Why is this relevant? Because, as readers of this blog know, Emily and I have been patiently trying to introduce Gus to the joys of sleeping in his crib. But Gus has resisted.
While sleeping with the Gus man laying on your chest is a pleasant experience, it makes it difficult to find restful sleep. And I remember wishing on more than one occassion that the little man would find his crib-which we have tried to make warm and inviting, a nice place for a siesta.
Now, not to get ahead of ourselves, but it seems that the man is taking to sleeping in the crib. He has put in some 6-8 hour stretches together, which is great for him -- but, it's been hard on dad.
I spent the past couple of nights with Gus sleeping in the crib tilting my head, listening to the crackle of the baby monitor, trying to decide if the silence is good or bad. And, when the G-Man lets out ANY type of noise -- here's what goes through my head:
"What was that?"
"Is he ok?"
"Should I go check on him?"
"Or if I do, will I just wake him up?"
"But what if I don't check on him and he isn't ok? How terrible would that be?"
"Maybe I should see what Emily thinks" -- (roll over look at Emily. She's out like a light).
"Ok, I am going to check on him."
Rinse, lather, repeat.
I never thought I would be one of those parents creeping in to put my hand on his back to make sure he's breathing, but I am.
Over time, I am sure that I will get used to it, but for now, it's a struggle. Be careful for what you wish for . . .
Anyhow -- some pictures of the little man:
This is one of my favorite onesies that Gus owns (thanks, Steve and Dana). For those who haven't seen it, underneath the picture, it says, "B is for Bob."

How you doin'?

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