Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Guest Blogging

As many of you know, Kevin is on a work trip so I decided to do a little blogging of my own. Kevin shouldn't have to do all the work! Actually, that leads me to the subject of this post: it's time to give Kevin the credit he deserves by disclosing all of the things he does for Gus & me every day. We have become especially appreciative of these things when he's gone. Especially last night when Gus woke up at 11pm, 2am, 3am, 4am, and at 5am for the day. The boy seems to be on some sort of sleep strike, but I digress – this isn't about me.

I should mention that Gus and I haven't been entirely without help since Kevin's been gone. We went to the zoo with Grandma & Grandpa A. on Sunday, and stayed at their house on Tuesday night because I had a late meeting at work. It's been so nice to have all the help (thanks Mom and Dad!) and I'm not sure how single parents do it. Here is the evidence from the zoo. Can you pick out the monkeys?

Back to my original point, Kevin does a lot. A typical day at our house:

5 or 5:30am – The rooster wakes up. Kevin stops him from testing his climbing skills and changes his diaper. Gus then yells at his daddy to get him to his breakfast, pronto.

5:30-6:30am – I feed the bambino, which would be a great time for Kevin to catch a few more winks, but he usually gets out of bed to a) wash the dishes, b) take out the garbage, c) make coffee, d) get our bags ready to go or e) all of the above.

6:30am – Kevin entertains Guster while I try to get 5 more minutes of sleep. Then I get in the shower and Kevin entertains the boy and gets him a little snack because his appetite is never quite sated.

7-7:10am – Kevin showers and gets ready for the day. He usually gets about 10 minutes for this before Gus is climbing all over him. 15 minutes on a good day.

7:15-8:30am – This is the time warp where we're not exactly sure what happens but we have the hardest time getting out of the house before 8:30. I should note that when it's just me and Gus we leave around 7am. I should also note that Gus and I are not very clean when left to our own devices.

8:45am – I drop Kevin and Gus off at daycare/work and Kevin drags sleeping baby, bottle, food, extra outfits, etc. into building.

* * *

5:45pm – After working all day, I call Kevin and say there's no way I'm going to make it to pick him and Gus up by 6pm, so he'll have to run down to day care and bring Gus back up to his office.

6:30pm – We get home and change, and Kevin makes Gus's dinner and feeds him while I contemplate our dinner.

7pm – I feed Gus after deciding a vegetarian cassoulet would make for a tasty meal and hand the recipe and ingredients to Kevin. He brings me a glass of wine and whips up dinner.

8pm – I put Gus to bed and Kevin and I eat. He then turns to his work for a few hours and hopes he doesn't have to get up in the night with a baby who is teething/having bad dreams/congested.

I should add that Kevin rarely complains about any of this (except for the time it takes us to get out the door in the morning – but I'm working on it!) and insists that our little guy is totally worth all the effort. I have to say I agree.

This is what Gus thinks of Mom's cooking:

It gets better the next night:


Kevin said...

It's Friday morning here in Hamburg -- my last day in Germany. I will see you guys soon!

I've been gone so long, I am actually looking forward to dirty diapers. Is that wrong?

Miss you both. See you soon.

Granny A said...

Nice blog, Emily! (Except maybe that monkey comment.) Two talented writers in the family. Can't wait to see what Gus puts out.

The appreciation you express is well-earned by Kevin, and there is nothing like time apart to highlight how much we rely on each other. I'm happy he's almost home.

Grandma U said...

Great writing!

It made us remember how busy it is and was with a little one in the house! Whew!

The wonderful partnership that you - Kevin & Emily share in life is indeed enriching in many ways.
