Friday, September 21, 2007

And we're back . . .

The Superman Computer is a reality thanks to Team Susu and Sam. The computer is great. Best of all, for all the faithful followers of The Gus Stop -- it means new (and improved) Guster content.

Gus is doing great. We have fed him rice cereal a few times to get him used to eating from a spoon, and he seems to like it. Not sure that he is getting a ton of nutritional value out of the process though since about half of it ends up on his face and bib. But it's fun to do, and the kid is game.

Gus is laughing a lot more often now. Gus laughs at the other kids at daycare, at his Daddy, and lately, he will even chuckle to himself a bit as he is fading off to sleep. It's fun to hear; hopefully we'll capture it on video.

Enjoy the new pictures.

Guster's new hoodie.
Grandpa has my foot!
Gus, like his Mom, enjoys a stripey sock.

Rice cereal, GET IN MY BELLY!

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