Wednesday, October 24, 2007

We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming . . .

To write about something that I think is important and deserving of attention. It is called the "Mom's Opportunity To Access Health, Education, Research and Support for Postpartum Depression Act" -- abbreviated as MOTHERS Act.
The MOTHERS Act will help new moms by:

1. Providing important education and screening on postpartum depression (PPD) that can lead to early identification and treatment. The legislation includes two grants to help healthcare providers educate, identify and treat PPD.

2. Expanding important research to improve and discover new treatments, diagnostic tools and educational materials for providers. Since the exact cause of PPD isn't known, research continues to be the key to unlocking the mystery of this condition.

The bill is currently with the Health, Education, Labor & Pensions (HELP) Committee of the Senate. Call your senator and tell them that you want them to support this bill.

BlogHers Act: Blog Day for the Mothers Act


Denise said...

Thanks for blogging this.

Emily said...

Thanks for looking out for all the Moms out there, honey.